Vancouver Vacuum Safety Tips

Vancouver Vacuum Cleaner Safety Tips

Vancouver Vacuum Safety Tips are Crucial to Safeguard Against Accidents in Your Home

Safety in the home is essential for preventing accidents and injury. This is particularly true around powered devices like a vacuum cleaner. While your vacuum keeps your home clean, they can also be quite dangerous if they are mishandled and used improperly. Here are some Vancouver Vacuum Safety Tips to keep in mind when you are operating your vacuum cleaner to ensure that you don’t injure yourself or others around you.

Don’t Vacuum Liquids

Generally speaking, electricity and liquids don’t mix. There are certain types of vacuum cleaners that are capable of sucking up liquids. If yours does not specifically say that it can, then assume that it cannot. The first of our Vancouver Vacuum Safety Tips is never use a vacuum cleaner on a wet surface as it puts you at risk of damaging the motor as well as possibly shocking yourself or people near you.

Stay Away from Sharp Objects

While you may be tempted to pull out the vacuum cleaner to pick up that broken glass on the floor, resist it. Vacuum cleaners can be easily damaged by picking up sharp or hard objects like glass. This also goes for things like nails, screws, coins and Legos. The next in our Vancouver Vacuum Safety Tips is never to pick up sharp objects as your vacuum cleaner could accidentally shoot a hard object across the room at high speed, hitting someone. It could also pick it up into the hoses and damage them by poking holes in them.

Stay Indoors

Again, unless otherwise specified, your vacuum cleaner should probably only be used indoors. Most are not intended for outdoor use and can be damaged by things that they pick up, even if you are only using it to vacuum a porch or a deck. The third of our Vancouver Vacuum Safety Tips is to store and use your vacuum cleaner indoors to ensure that you are not going to damage it.

Stay away from the Moving Parts

Fingers and moving objects are a recipe for injury. Never stick your fingers into an operating vacuum cleaner. There are many moving parts, some operating at high speed, that can cause severe injury to you. Another of our Vancouver Vacuum Safety Tips is if you need to get inside of your vacuum cleaner for some reason, make sure to shut off and unplug the device. Unplugging is very important because a vacuum can easily be turned on accidentally.

 Use the Handle

The handle is there for you to pull on. The cord is there to carry the electricity. This one should be obvious, but the next in our Vancouver Vacuum Safety Tips; Don’t be tempted to pull the vacuum cleaner by the cord. It may be more convenient, but by pulling on the cord you can loosen up the electrical connections inside, causing a short. At best this will prevent your vacuum from working. At worst you may end up shocked by a loose wire that grounds out during operation.

Get Your Vacuum Maintained

If you suspect that something is wrong with your vacuum cleaner, don’t continue to use it. Bring it to your Vancouver vacuum experts at Advantage Vacuums. Contact us today to have your vacuum cleaner repaired and maintained!