vacuum cleaner broken, is my vacuum cleaner broken

Is My Vacuum Cleaner Broken?

While it might not seem like it, a vacuum cleaner is a pretty complex piece of equipment. There are quite a few things that can go wrong with one that could prevent it from functioning properly. However, just because something isn’t right doesn’t mean that you need to head out and get a new one. Here are some common problems with a vacuum cleaner and ways in which you might be able to solve them.

It Isn’t Picking Anything Up

This may be the way that you notice something is wrong with your cleaner. Dust, crumbs and other stuff that should be picked up are left right there on the floor, which can indicate a number of different problems. First, you need to figure out if the issue is with the brush or not. If you have a hose attachment, pull out the hose while the vacuum cleaner is running. Put your hand near the opening and see if you feel suction there. If you do, then the problem is most likely that your brush is failing to turn. If, on the other hand, you don’t feel suction you need to keep looking to find the problem.

No Suction in the Hose

Now that you know the problem does not lie with the brushes, start by looking at the bag. If your vacuum cleaner is bag-less then you should have an easy time seeing if the container is full. If you have a bag-style vacuum then you will need to open it up to locate said bag. A quick push should tell you if the bag is full or not. Clean out the bag or empty the container and see if that solves the problem.

Maybe the bag doesn’t seem to be causing trouble, in which case you might have clogged filters. If you own a vacuum that use a HEPA filter, you should replace that filter every year or so.

Lastly, check the hose to see if it is clogged. If you can, detach it from the body. If you can’t, try to gently squeeze to see if you can pinpoint a clog. If you find a clog and you can’t work it out you may want to get it serviced as soon as possible.

The Brush Isn’t Turning

A vacuum relies on a motor turning inside of it. In order for that motor to drive your brushes, there is a belt that transfers the spinning energy of the motor to the mechanical parts of the brushes. If your brush isn’t turning the first thing that might be wrong is that the belt has snapped.

Take a look at the brush end. There may be a cover you need to remove with a screwdriver. You should be able to see where the belt is around the brush. If it is broken replace it. If it is not broken, you may have hair or carpet fibers tied around your brush head. Try to pull any loose fibers away to see if this fixes the problem.

For more help with your vacuum cleaner repair or to buy a new one, contact Advantage Vacuums today!
