
How to Successfully Use a Steam Cleaner

Vacuum cleaners are number one in your line of defense against dirt and debris ruining your carpet. Steam cleaning, however, is the ultimate boost that will keep your carpets looking amazing longer. All carpets are vulnerable to stains, even those that have been treated to repel staining. As time passes, the dirt and oils that even the best vacuums tend to miss work deep into your carpets and lead to discoloration. Using a steamer regularly will lengthen the life of your carpets and vacuum. These tricks for using a steam cleaner will have your carpets looking fresh out of the factory.

  1. Vacuum

Be sure to thoroughly vacuum your carpet before you begin to use your steam cleaner. You will want to remove all of the dirt that your vacuum is capable of picking up. Any missed dirt could potentially discolor your carpets, as if you had smeared mud into the delicate fibers. Even when hiring a professional cleaning service, vacuuming is an important step in preparation that you do not want to skip.

  1. Treat Stains First

Do not ignore your stains before you begin using the steam cleaner. Spilled drinks, pet urine and discolored high traffic areas are spots that need special attention. Treat stained areas with a store bought product, or make your own. No matter what you are using to treat stains, always test a small, discrete area of your carpet to make sure it will not damage the spot further. Treating urine stains before you steam the carpet is especially important, as hot water will cause the urine to crystallize, bonding to the carpet and increasing streaks and odors.

  1. Avoid Unnecessary Moisture

Try to avoid using a steam cleaner on humid or rainy days. The extra moisture extends the drying process, producing smells and possibly mold. The best time to steam clean your carpets is a day that you can leave the windows open and let a breeze flow through your home. If you must clean in humid or rainy weather, leave fans running in the area to aid in thoroughly drying the carpets.

  1. Steam Regularly

Your carpets should be deep cleaned once a year at minimum. Most require more cleanings, and carpets that see high levels of traffic should be cleaned as often as twice a month. If you experience problems with respiratory health, having your carpets deep cleaned every six months will help keep your home free of dust and debris that could irritate your airways. How much you steam clean your carpets depends on your individual household.

  1. Care for Your Cleaner

After you are done steaming your carpets, take time to properly care for your cleaner. The system can get very dirty. Take the collection bucket out, rinse and let it dry. Clean the brushes on the roller and wipe out the areas where dirt can easily collect. Storing your steamer uncleaned and wet can create an unpleasant smell and decrease its performance capabilities.

A good vacuum is the most important player on your team of carpet defenders. Visit Advantage Vacuums to find a vacuum that will aid in keeping your carpets looking new longer. For more information, visit our products page.
