how to keep your carpet looking new

How to Keep Your Carpet Looking New

You are an excellent housekeeper who prides yourself on maintaining great carpets. But one can never have enough ideas for how to keep your carpet looking new. Check out all our ideas below!

You enforce the “no shoes in the house” rule, spot clean regularly and have a do-it-yourself steam cleaning schedule that keeps your floors in seemingly pristine conditions. But did you know that many common practices and home remedies are actually damaging your carpets? Most are unaware that they are cleaning improperly or using harsh techniques that decrease the quantity of life for their floors. Here are some common household practices for how to keep your carpet looking new that, if performed will prolong the life of your carpets.

No Shoes in the House

Believe it or not, one way for how to keep your carpet looking new is to wear shoes indoors! Taking off your shoes when you come home is a great practice that will keep your carpets looking great much longer — if you slip on a pair of socks or indoor shoes that is. The feet are some of the sweatiest parts of the human body, producing oils that work deep into the fibers of your carpets and trap dirt.

Bacteria thrive in sweat, causing odor, which is why the inside of your shoes often smell unpleasant. Those same bacteria growing oils can be transferred to your carpet from your bare feet, causing a smell, creating spots and even eating away at carpet fibers. To completely protect your carpets and keep them looking great longer, always wear socks or house shoes while you are in your home.

Spot Cleaning

This practice is very necessary to remove isolated stains and maintain carpets, but using the wrong products will lead to disaster. Permanent damage can be done if you accidentally bleach your floors or set a stain. Avoid low quality products that contain oils or petroleum, they will leave behind a residue that attracts even more soil and dirt. That is often the cause of spots “reappearing” several weeks after they were cleaned.

Always test a product beforehand on a small, out of sight spot to ensure it does not alter the color of your carpet. Never use bleach, dish detergent or other products that have not been made for carpets. Vinegar is highly recommended as a safe, effective way to spot clean your carpets with confidence

Steam Cleaning

Do-it-yourself steam cleaning has increased in popularity in recent years. People who own carpet cleaners believe that they keeping their carpets in excellent condition by steaming on a regular basis. It can help keep your carpets looking their best — if you know what you are doing.

Extremely hot water can easily damage the backing of your carpet, causing it to breakdown. Steaming once a month can decrease the life of your carpets; you should only use your steamer twice a year. Like spot cleaners, low-quality steam cleaning products can leave a residue that collects dust. Always use top quality cleaners or a simple vinegar, water solution.

Having a poor quality vacuum will leave damaging dirt and debris deep within your carpets that dramatically decrease their lifespan. The best way for how to keep your carpet looking new and lasting for years is to invest in a top-quality vacuum. Advantage Vacuums, Vancouver’s best vacuum store, supplies excellent vacuums to meet the needs of all customers. View our Miele Vacuums page for a list of currently available products.
