Avoid These Vacuuming Mistakes. Vacuums Vancouver, Nanaimo

Avoid These Vacuuming Mistakes

Using a vacuum cleaner isn’t that hard. Or is it? Operating any device can have some quirks to it, and that means room for error. Many people make vacuuming mistakes without even knowing that they are doing it. Here are some things to avoid when you run your vacuum cleaner so that you get the most out of your cleaning.

Ignoring Your Attachments

Your vacuum comes with those attachments for a reason other than being a clever “where to place it” puzzle when you unbox the thing. Attachments are for specific jobs that allow you to use you vacuum for cleaning more than carpets. That crevice tool helps you reach places the brush might not. The duster allows you to clean hard surfaces like baseboards. Don’t overlook them. Embrace using your attachments to get a more thorough clean out of your vacuum.

Abusing the Rewind Button

The cord rewind feature on you vacuum is not a fire and forget device. While you can just push the button and walk away, you may be doing damage to your vacuum. You should always guide the cord into the winder instead of just letting it do its thing. Letting the cord snap in could throw the rewind mechanism off its track. It could also do damage to the cord itself over a period of time.

Forgetting to Empty

Whether your vacuum has a bag or is bagless, waiting until it gets full is a bad habit to develop. While you can wait until it is full, you are much better off emptying it when it gets to be about three quarters full. Any more than that and your vacuum might start to lose suction power. Even if you have a change bag light, you should change before it turn on. If you have a dust cup, don’t forget that one either. That’s one of the easiest vacuum mistakes to make!

Having Dirty Filters

Depending on what type of vacuum you have, it can be easy to overlook your filter. The filter is there to keep the dust and dirt out of the air. HEPA filters are particularly important for people who have respiratory problems or allergies. While you don’t need to change your filter as often as you would change a bag, you should change it if it is showing signs of wear and tear. A quick visual inspection will let you know if you need to change the filter. If you don’t trust yourself, changing every six months is a good idea. Remember to consult your manual to get the right type of filter.

Not Cleaning Rollers

Don’t forget to cut the strings and hair that like to wrap themselves around the rollers on the bottom of your vacuum. The rollers are what make deep carpet cleaning possible so you want them to spin freely. If you need to have your vacuum cleaner repaired due to making one of these vacuuming mistakes, contact the experts at Advantage Vacuums today!