3 Reasons Why Bagged Vacuum Cleaners Haven’t Bit the Dust

3 Reasons Why Bagged Vacuum Cleaners Haven’t Bit the Dust

It is no secret that most modern consumers have followed the bagless vacuum trend. Not having to buy bags is quite appealing and there is still a negative stigma attached to the difficulty of using a bagged vacuum. Most consumers are unaware that vacuums that use bags to catch dirt and debris have evolved tremendously over the years. New technology and designs have put forth amazing machines that far outdo the bagless competition. When you are shopping for your next vacuum, do not shy away from one that uses a bag. Here are three reasons why bagged vacuum cleaners have passed the test of time.

  1. Easier Maintenance

Yes, you read that right, many modern bagged vacuums are easier to maintain than bagless models. When emptying the container of a bagless vacuum, dirt and debris often escape out on your vacuum, in the air and right back on your floors. Bagged vacuums are simple. Once the dirt is trapped inside, it is not coming out. All you have to do is remove the bag and toss it in the garbage can.

Most users are unaware that the filter of a bagless vacuum should be washed at least once a month to properly maintain the machine. The filter for your bagged vacuum is the bag itself. Every time you change the bag, you are replacing the filter. There is no need to take your vacuum apart often to keep the performance at top levels.


  1. Cost Effective

Many people are under the impression that the bags for bagged vacuums are too expensive to have to rely on. That is simply is not true. Unlike a bagless vacuum, where it is recommended that you empty the canister after each use, you do not have to change the bag for your bagged vacuum cleaner until it is full. Most people only need to buy bags once a year.


Bagged vacuums save a lot of money with the initial purchase. Bagless vacuum cleaners can be significantly more expensive than a vacuum that needs a bag. This has nothing to do with the abilities of the machine, a bagged vacuum will perform just as good as a bagless. Consumer trends lead to lower prices for bagged vacuums, which is great if you are looking to buy a powerful machine on a budget.


  1. Air Quality

Those with asthma or breathing problems are encouraged to use bagged vacuum cleaners since they trap dust and debris better than bagless machines. Modern bags are designed specifically with improving the air quality of your home in mind. Manufacturers are using great materials that are very effective at keeping even the smallest of dust particles contained inside the bag. It is a fact, bagged vacuum cleaners can improve the health of your household.


Many buyers are overlooking bagged vacuum cleaners as they search for a new machine. The reputations of the past discourage consumers from seeking vacuums that use bags. Bagged vacuum cleaners have evolved to meet the needs of modern homes. There are many ways in which they are supreme in comparison to their bagless competition. If you are interested in purchasing a bagged vacuum from Advantage Vacuums, view our line of available Miele vacuum cleaners.      

